The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 16: Mystic Knight 03 - The Mystic Quest for a clever title

Mystic Knight 03 - The Mystic Quest for a clever title

In a desperate and honestly futile attempt to wrap this up by the Four Job Fiesta (1 day and counting), we're doing this again.

The weapons we get here are useless, the lowly Hi-Potion is a good find that I resist using as much as Elixirs.

At Walz, aside from the Iron Helm, I buy one of everything.

Even though the Iron Armor provides more defense, the Gi gives a precious strength boost, enough to spill over to a new Multiplier.

Who died and didn't make you king? Oh wait, your dad and he did make you King!

Odd, the meteor is shucking and jiving through the sky, like someone is steering it.

Like hell I will, you've triggered the next event flag, our business is over.

Like I said, our business is done.

There's a silk robe in the chest, I only take it because I can.

These die in one hit, I kill the last one before it can trigger its Toad Song script.

The center vine is useless, this one is just slightly less so.

Oh yeah, we can climb vines. Don't think this has come up yet, and sure the Beginner's Hall said nothing of it either.

I can't equip this, so I'm stuck wearing shoes.

Garula was an inside job.

Time to make him feel my cold steel.

Okay damage, but the choice of the gi over the iron armor lets him do damage.

Not enough to worry, but enough to make me watch it.

The second Hi-Potion I avoid using.

I might need it in the next battle don't judge me!

Final Level - 15
Deaths - 0

We're on the other side of the planet now. For some reason I thought that getting puked out by a dragon gave me a full heal.

Its around this point that I suspect something isn't right.

Not my greatest moment. And I've got a lot of non-great moments to choose from.

We've reached a point where Mihnwu won't oneshot everything. Wild Nakks still do but these... fungi, maybe, take 2 under normal circumstances.

I'm just at the cusp of killing it in one hit, 12HP short.

I said just now, "under normal circumstances," these guys have a nasty trick. You might think it'd proc paralysis or something...

But no, it's almost impossible to tell with the turban, but Mihnwu is in desperate need of hair dye.

Old sucks down your levels. Your levels determine your damage output.
This guy still died in 2 hits.

This one took 3. Mercifully this was the lowest it could go.

Free sword.

Another 50% boost to damage

Triple regicide has caught up with me, I guess. The trigger to get Cid to do his thing seems to take forever.

All of these get bought.

Shield, glove and Armor too, but I still rock the Gi for the time being.

Cid is going to "supervise" while you fix his horrible mistake. I hate when people hover and watch you work.

For some reason, even though I took the other map, you can't take this one (the one you can take is on the lower level). The captains quarters are a completely useless detour.

They never explain why the upper decks are a regular wooden hulled sailing vessel, while the lower decks are something from the turn of the 20th century Dreadnought.

I can't one shot these guys, and remember I don't want to. If Defeaters are the last to die, they spawn some more enemies.

I swear I'm less crazy than I was 2 years ago about using high level consumables. But I haven't yet reached the point where I need to.

Several formations have Defeaters in them besides the one where one is alone. I kill them before fighting the Cool Dust. This one is a straight up sword slash.

This one is Blizzara boosted. Blizzara does triple damage rather than just double. The Defeater is in the back row so just takes 1.5 net.

Surprisingly Mihnwu hits him on the next hit despite the blind status.

That's enough of this, I can't equip the Thief Gloves or Green Beret, let's fight some Yoga Fire.

Laying down the Blizzara Blade.

Eating a blaze to the face.

I go on this fight just to see if I can, I did maybe 2000 damage to it...

Not enough. I decide to go get the elf mantle from Walz.

I try to fight her for the hell of it.

But it isn't going to work right now.

Back to the main event.

This time Mihnwu takes it slow.

Let the whirlwind burn its MP while he tops off his HP.

He knocks it into the hand phase, juggles the mithril sword since its immune to ice, and takes a fira before it bounces back to the whirlwind.

So a few more potions and another blizzara stab...

Another cycle to the hand, another weak neutral sword slap, another fira.

This is the only thing the whirlwind can do, and it's useless.

Just the one humanoid form at the start made for an easy battle.
Final Level - 19
Total Deaths - 1


No need to be Specist, Mihnwu.

The Queen had the power of real grape flavor, but this guy has the power of mint!

Werewolf, Mihnwu could lend you a couple more doorstops, you could come with him and solve crimes and work through your prejudices.


Cid, have you ever heard of a circuit breaker, or a literal, physical firewall? 10 cent fuse? Pressure Regulators or relief valves?

Mihnwu, could you turn back and use that pot?

Skipping the cash, just going for elixirs and the main gauche.

Everything worth getting is something you must earn.

The wolves die in one hit, unless they dodge. The Sorcerers take two.

This guy shows up as a random encounter. I had poor luck trying to run from it.

He had better luck.

Another fight for an elixir.

Sorcerer's are not really dangerous, just annoying. Just keep your health up in case you're forced to fall on your own sword.

Gigas take multiple hits and can dish out Aero and Aeras.

That's an aera, thankfully it seems to come up later in its scripting.

Walter, this one is for you.

Monsters-in-a-box can ambush you somehow. I run from him to reset to a normal attack, rather than fiddle with rows.

Honestly it was probably just a lateral move, not an actual benefit.

Another elixir. These jerks just would not let me run. It took so long I decided to skip one elixir chest.

They can also frog you, but can easilly cure it.

This is so left handed...
Not too much stronger than the Mithril Knife on paper, but the added evasion is sought by nearly everyone.

So on to the 'boss.' I don't care about rolling the dice with deathclaw, so I kill him dead from behind his dog.

Huh, they look like lips. I miss when they were showing M*A*S*H constantly on TV.
I've been upfront for when I make mistakes. I'm glad to tell you that despite ending the escape sequence at level 20, going straight to the library isn't one of them.

This turtle's ass is grass. He is entirely made of grass, but his ass is especially so.

These guys are tough, or rather durable. It'd take over 3 hits to kill them, but they sacrifice themselves when they're near death to max out the health of the dragons I haven't hit yet. No weakness so just beat them to death.

Didn't take long at all.

Not afraid of you.

Here's where things go wrong. I died to Ifrit once because of bad luck with blazes and firas.

The second time was better.

Couldn't agree more.

Equal strength to the armor plus an extra point of agility, sign me up.

I used a tent, but didn't save. Like Siren, I realized it after I stepped on the trigger. This might just be less obvious to the foreshadowing of this game.

Web not only slows you, but wipes out your ATB bar.

It's sort of odd, I've seen it wipe out the bar even after being slowed before, but not always.

This is more irritating than dangerous, thankfully it missed.

At full power, you can burn through Byblos's HPs in about 4 turns. 4 grueling, slow turns.

Except for this. Even though the damage formula sets Defense to 0 as well as multiplying damage. Protect takes its half cut off net.

This hurts.

I'm willing to elixir it since I know the alternative is a trip back through the library.

The extra evasion is wonderful.

Mercifully, this misses.

A wasted turn, a Godsend when slowed.


At least I don't have anything that has an elemental weakness.

Discord lands, things are certainly headed south.

The game is toying with me by feeding me tiny teaspoonfuls of hope.

Or a tablespoon, maybe.

Or a Shot glass.

But then I see what I'm doing to him and it's not looking good.

Another pair of wasted turns.

Really bad. It's now on the edge of impossible.

At least half level means half damage from confuse.

Byblos is low enough to trigger his Drain counters.

He heals for more than Minhwu is hitting for.

Enough hope to wet your lips...


And that's all she wrote.

I held some more hope that maybe I saved without thinking. Lying to ones-self, believing their own lies.

Ifrit kills me again since I didn't go into the fight with full health. Here's the final shot of take 4:

Final Level - 21
Deaths - 2

So nice, I did it twice.

Take 2 starts very well.

No protect counter, wonderful.

Take them, I don't need them anyway.

Not so auspicious, but again, it doesn't trigger a protect.

Halfway there...

He's protected now, so just 2 more hits...

He's low enough to drain now.

Surprisingly late showing to the show.

I won't live to regret this.


The third attempt is the same as the last two, glimmers of hope snuffed out by discords and drains.

Another promising start.

Back down to the halfway mark.

Mercifully no protect proc, one more hit should do it.

And it did.

I'll pour this out for you, since it's useless to me.

And by pout it out, I mean sell it.

Final Level - 21
Deaths - 3

Thaaaat's Miiid! *Wah-wahhhhh*
*roll credits*